What is "I Read" at The Max?

The Intensive Reading Education and Development (I READ) Early Literacy Program is a reduced class-size, Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) class that is available at THE MAX. This specialized program provides in-depth, structured reading interventions to students with disabilities, who will learn beside their non-disabled/typically developing peers. Students will have a range of early literacy performance, with a focus on individualized instruction for each student. Each I READ classroom has a general education and a special education teacher, who provide daily instruction with a focus on organized reading interventions in all subject areas. A part-time intervention teacher, with special expertise in literacy intervention, will support teachers with planning and will push into the classroom to work directly with students. The teaching team are experienced in the skills needed to help struggling learners.

The small class size and extra adult support will help teachers tailor instruction to meet the needs of all learners. The support will focus on improving students’ literacy, language, and speech skills.